Syracuse Sauna King
Syracuse Sauna King became an entity after the owner Mike Mcafoose 18 yrs ago started pursuing ways to become healthier. He wanted to find something to aid him in returning to play the sport of tennis at a competitive level after 18 years away from the sport.
Mike's Story
To get back in shape, Owner Mike Mcafoose’s first impulse was to buy a Jacuzzi or hot tub, but after diving into the research and sifting through practical health benefits, I stumbled upon radiant far infrared saunas.
In the past, while working with National Water Quality Association, I "thought" I would enjoy the older style sauna with the heater and rocks that you added water to develop extremely hot air inside the room. I, like others, thought it was healthy and relaxing.
Looking back I also do remember how it would take your breath away going into the room and within a short period of time finding breathing more and more labored until eventually having to get out.
Upon researching many hours of sites and papers ALL things pointed to the far infrared saunas.
So after an annual doctor checkup and being told it was time to lose at least 30 lbs. and start taking blood pressure meds to bring down my 170/130 blood pressure. I instead choose to try on my own a 3-4 month period of getting "healthy". I purchased my first far infrared sauna and started 2 a day sessions. 4 months later back at the dr. office who readily admitted that normally 90% of the time patients who try to lose weight and lower blood pressure on their own fail miserably. He was astounded that I had lost 35 lbs. and my blood pressure was now a very manageable 124/86. And I might add my tennis game was going strong all at the ripe age of 45.
Fast forward to today 19 yrs have passed and owner Mike Mcafoose has made these saunas his own personal passion for today's unhealthy environment. He states as his mission statement: I want to make available to everyone, today's simplest and yet most effective way to become healthy again. At a cost that's affordable to anyone's budget.